How it Works

The Rose VPN app was designed with all users in mind. We want to make online privacy and security quick, simple and accessible for everyone. From beginners to experts; individual users, businesses and families... one app, one goal, one safer way to utilise the internet; for everyone.

Rose VPN is available on a huge selection of platforms/devices. We've got you covered.

Rose VPN App

The Rose VPN app is compatible with a huge number of devices (all Windows, Apple, iOS, Android & Linux platforms).

Our app was designed with all users in mind; quick & simple installation that will allow you to connect safely & securely to our encrypted VPN networks located all over the world with one single click/tap - keeping you safe to browse online always no matter where you are in the world.

VPN Benefits Pricing Sign Up

Customer Guarantee Rose VPN is 100% commited, and pride ourselves in unbeatable customer satisfaction for all services we offer... We will provide you with the service exactly as we promise or you'll get your money back.